Thursday, August 13, 2009

July Vacations

Over the past month we have gone on a couple of weekend vacations. Over the 4th we went to Bear Lake with my family (The Higgins side). We played at the beach, golfed, and just hung out with my family. Over the 24th we drove to Jackson Hole with Jodee's family (The Sheffields). Jodee's brother lives in Idaho Falls, so we spent the first night there and drove to Jackson the next day. We camped just outside of Jackson. Hannah loved to be outdoors all weekend. We had a lot of fun on both trips. The pictures are a little out of order. The beach pictures and the owl are Bear Lake. Except the one with Hannah holding the big rock, thats in Jackson by the Snake River. The others are from Jackson.

1 comment:

Shantell said...

Looks like a ton of fun!